Landscape inside a figure, 2010

45 x 30 cm

Coffee, acrylic paint, pencil on paper

Inspiration for these series of drawings are Jean Jacques Rousseau’s Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire (Reveries of a Solitary Walker), written between 1776 and 1778: walking through nature in self-reflection.

In the drawings I did not want the person to be manifested in the landscape, but I wanted the landscape to be present inside the person. My interest was to capture the abstract energy of being in the moment of presence.

One of the materials I used for these drawings is coffee. I started to paint with coffee when I was working at the International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP) in New York in 2006.

I was on a low budget and was looking for other materials to paint with, while I made solitary walks through the city. I liked the qualities of the material that differences from water paint or ink and started using it again afterwards in drawings on paper.

Landscape inside a figure , 2013

75 x 100 cm

Carbolineum, acrylic paint, pencil on paper

In the bigger drawings with the title Landscape Inside A Figure, the coffee is replaced by carbonileum paint. This is an oil based coal tar consistent material that has a darker brown color.

(see also at: DRAWINGS / DIBUJOS)